Unreal Engine

Vitruvio is a plugin for Unreal Engine (UE). It enables the use of CityEngine CGA rules for the generation of procedural buildings in the Unreal Editor or at runtime.
Vitruvio是虚幻引擎(UE)的插件。它支持使用CityEngine CGA规则在虚幻编辑器中或在运行时生成过程性建筑。
借助 Vitruvio,游戏设计师或美术师无需离开虚幻引擎即可利用 CityEngine 的程序建模功能。 建筑物始终保持程序化,艺术家可以通过参数化界面轻松更改建筑物的高度、风格和外观。 此外,建筑物也可以在运行时生成。
作为输入,Vitruvio 需要在 CityEngine 中编写的规则包 (RPK)。 RPK 包括资产和编码架构风格的 CGA 规则文件。 下面的下载部分提供了几个 RPK 的链接,这些 RPK 可以在 Vitruvio 中开箱即用。
Vitruvio 可免费用于个人、教育和非商业用途。 商业用途需要至少一个安装在组织中的最新 CityEngine 版本的商业许可证。 除非明确允许,否则不允许再分发或提供网络服务。 有关更详细的许可信息,请参阅下面的许可部分。
With Vitruvio, game designers or artists do not have to leave the Unreal Engine to make use of the procedural modeling power of CityEngine. The buildings stay procedural all time and artists can change the height, style and appearance of buildings easily with a parametric interface. In addition, buildings can also be generated at runtime.
As input, Vitruvio requires Rule Packages (RPK) which are authored in CityEngine. An RPK includes assets and a CGA rule file which encodes an architectural style. The download section below provides links to the several RPKs which can be used out-of-the-box in Vitruvio.
Vitruvio is free for personal, educational, and non-commercial use. Commercial use requires at least one commercial license of the latest CityEngine version installed in the organization. Redistribution or web service offerings are not allowed unless expressly permitted. Please refer to the licensing section below for more detailed licensing information.
CityEngine Plugin for Unreal Engine
Vitruvio is free for personal, educational, and non-commercial use. Commercial use requires at least one commercial license of the latest CityEngine version installed in the organization. Redistribution or web service offerings are not allowed unless expressly permitted.
Vitruvio is under the same license as the included CityEngine SDK.
For questions or enquiries regarding licensing, please contact cityengine-info@esri.com
ESRI : ArcGIS CityEngine
A full documentation of Vitruvio is available on our github repository.
在github 存储库中提供了 Vitruvio 的完整文档。
→ Read documentation
For more information, assets and resources check our Github repository.
有关更多信息、资产和资源,请查看我们的 Github 存储库。
→ Go to Github
This example features a small part of Paris. The building footprints are exported from CityEngine using Get Map Data. Large parts of Paris were re-styled by Haussmann which earned the nickname the “Wall-City”, because of continuous balconies running from facade to facade. The latter can be generated by selecting the higher level of detail.
- The rules are from the Paris example of CityEngine.
- Please make sure to install Vitruvio before running the examples.
→ Paris Example
This example features a part of New York. The building footprints are exported from CityEngine using Get Map Data.
- The rules are from the International City example of CityEngine.
- Please make sure to install Vitruvio before running the examples.
→ New York Example
This example features buildings in a European medieval style.
- The building rules are from the Medieval City example of CityEngine.
- Please make sure to install Vitruvio before running the examples.
→ Medieval City Example
This example features New York city 240 years into the future, inspired by the great 1998 motion picture The Fifth Element.
- The rules are adapted from the NYC2259 example of CityEngine.
- The rules assign custom Unreal Materials to the building facades which can be found in the Content/Materials folder.
- Please make sure to install Vitruvio before running the examples.
→ NYC 2259 Example